2013: Coordinator, a two-day seminar on “Marginalized Communities in North East India with Special Reference to Scheduled Caste Population”, at NIT Silchar, sponsored by ICSSR-NERC held during August 30-31.
2012: Coordinator, one day workshop on “Challenges & opportunities in North Eastern Region”, at NIT Silchar, on September 2, sponsored by NIT Silchar.
2012: Coordinator, a 4-day workshop on “Philosophy of Research Methods”, at NIT Silchar, held during July 24- 27, sponsored by ICSSR, NERC, Shillong.
2006: Coordinator, a two-day national seminar on “Globalization and Industrial Re-location: Implications for the Development strategy of the Underdeveloped Regions with special reference to North-East India”, at NIT Silchar, during October 27-28, sponsored by NEC.
2003: Coordinator, a two-day seminar on “Structural Change and Strategy of Development: Resource-industry Linkages in India’s North East”, at NEHU, during March 2021, sponsored by ICSSR-NERC.
1997: Co-ordinator, a two-day National Seminar on “Liberalization, Ethnic Identity and Economic Development in India’s North East”, at St. Anthony’s College, Shillong, during April 25-26, sponsored by UGC, ICSSR-NERC, NEC, and Government of Meghalaya.