Assistant Professor
Phone: +91-8436213363
Date of Joining: 14-11-2023
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Phone: +91-8436213363
Date of Joining: 14-11-2023
Google Scholar:
Academic Qualifications
- B. A. from Cotton College, Assam , India
- M.A. from Indian Institute of Technology -Guwahati
- Ph.D. from National Institute of Technology-Durgapur
Research Interest
Open Economy Macroeconomics, Applied Econometrics, Development Economics
Teaching Experience
Assistant Professor , Department of Humanities and Social Sciences , NIT Silchar (Current Position)
Assistant Professor ,Department of Economics, Rangia College ( From 8th October 2020 to 13th November 2023)
Book Chapters:
- Dutta, U. P., & Sarmah, J. (2023). Government Expenditure, Governance, and Economic Growth: An Empirical Exercise. In Social Sector Development and Governance (pp. 177-190). Routledge India.
- Dutta, U. P., & Kankaria, L. (2022). Performance of Microfinance Institutions Under Economic Growth and Fluctuations: Evidence from South Asian Countries. In Microfinance to Combat Global Recession and Social Exclusion: An Empirical Investigation (pp. 51-62). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
- Dutta, U. P., Kankaria, L., & Sengupta, P. P. (2021). China and US Economic Policy Uncertainty and its Impact on Major International Markets: A Vector Auto Regressive Analysis. In Global Tariff War: Economic, Political and Social Implications (pp. 109-120). Emerald Publishing Limited.
- Dutta, U. P., Gupta, H., & Sengupta, P. P. (2020). Mobile phone penetration and health outcome: Panel evidence from 25 selected Asian countries. In Role of IT-ITES in Economic Development of Asia: Issues of Growth, Sustainability and Governance (pp. 163-178). Singapore: Springer Singapore.
- Kankaria, L., & Dutta, U. P. (2021). A cross-country analysis through investigating the impact of ICT on women’s financial inclusion. Technology and Women’s Empowerment, 222.Routledge
- Gogoi, A. J., Dutta, U. P., & Sarmah, C. (2023). Different Socioeconomic Groups’ Psychological Reactions to the COVID-19 Lockdown: A Cross-Sectional Study. In COVID-19 Pandemic and Global Inequality: Reflections in Labour Market, Business and Social Sectors (pp. 319-333). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
Paper Publication:
- Dutta, U. P., & Hazarika, N. (2023). Urbanization and carbon emissions: Panel evidence from 68 low-income and lower-middle-income countries. Journal of Urban Affairs, 1-20.(SSCI ,Scopus Indexed, ABDC- A, Routledge Publication)
- Dutta, U. P. (2022). Studying the flip side of migrant remittances: A panel cointegration analysis of 18 selected Asian countries. Journal of Public Affairs, 22(4), e2665. (SSCI, Scopus Index , ABDC-B, Wiley Publication)
- Dutta, U. P., Gupta, H., & Sengupta, P. P. (2019). ICT and health outcome nexus in 30 selected Asian countries: Fresh evidence from,panel data analysis. Technology in Society,59, (SCI and Scopus Index, ABDC-C, Elsevier Publication)
- Dutta, U. P., Gupta, H., Sarkar, A.K., & Sengupta, P. P. (2020). Some Determinants of Infant Mortality Rate in SAARC Countries: an Empirical Assessment through Panel Data Analysis. Child Indicators Research, 13 (6), 2093-2116. 020-09734-8 (SSCI and Scopus Index, Springer Publication)
- Dutta, U. P., & Saikia, B. (2022). Remittances and Economic Growth: Empirical Analysis from a Panel of Selected Asian Nations. Millennial Asia, 09763996221086745 ( Scopus Index, Sage Publication)
- Dutta, U. P., & Chakraborty, D. (2022). An Exploration of the Impact of Electricity Consumption on Economic Growth in India using ARDL Cointegration Analysis. Vision, 09722629221105771 (Scopus Index, Sage Publication)
- Dutta, U. P., & Sengupta, P. P. (2018). Remittances and Real Effective Exchange Rate: An Empirical Exercise with Indian Data. South Asia Economic Journal, 19(1), 124–136. (Scopus Index, Sage Publication)
- Dutta U.P., Gupta A., Sengupta P.P. (2019) Exploring the Nexus Between Mobile Phone Penetration and Economic Growth in 13 Asian Countries: Evidence from Panel Cointegration Analysis. In: Wang J., Reddy G., Prasad V., Reddy V. (eds) Soft Computing and Signal Processing. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 898. Springer, Singapore. (Scopus Index, Springer Publication)
- Gupta, H., Dutta, U. P., & Sengupta, P. P. (2018). The Socioeconomic Dimensions for the Management of Haemophilia in India: An Empirical Study. Journal of Health Management, 20(1), 38–45. (Scopus Index, Sage Publication)
- Sengupta, P. P., Sinha, M., & Dutta, U. P. (2019). Economic and environmental performances in manufacturing industries: A comparative study. Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences, 7(1), 99-108. (Scopus Index, Published by International University of Sarajevo)
- Dutta, U.P., Gupta, H., Sengupta, P.P. (2016) Exploring the nexus between remittances, ODA, financial development and economic growth: A study of India (2016) International Journal of Applied Business and Economic Research, 14 (12), 8597-8608. (Scopus Index)
- Dutta, U. P., Gogoi, P. P., Sengupta, P. P., &Phukon, P. “Time Series Analysis of Temperature and Rainfall in the Brahmaputra Basin, Assam” Urban India, Volume 38 (II) 2018, 72-82 (A Journal of National Institute of Urban Affairs, Govt. of India)
- “Do Remittances have a Flip Side? A Panel Cointegration Analysis of Remittances and Real Effective Exchange Rate in South Asian Countries”, Regional Conference on External Vulnerabilities in South Asia, organised by the World Bank in Colombo, Sri Lanka from February 28- March 1, 2019
- “Impact of Information and Communication Technology on Health Outcome: Panel Evidence from 30 Asian Countries”, International Conference on Advances in Healthcare Management Services February 16-17, 2019, organised by IIM Ahmedabad
- ” Exploring the nexus between remittances, mobile phone penetration and economic growth: Panel evidence from South-Asian countries” Annual International Conference on Social Sciences-2019, Institute of Business Management (IoBM), Karachi, Pakistan, January 28- 29,2019.
- “Migrant remittances and economic growth: empirical exercise from macroeconomic viewpoint”,International conference on recent multidisciplinary research (ICRMR-2018), SN Education society and URGEE, USA at TKP conference centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- “Migrant remittances and its impact on poverty: Evidence from India”, 8th ECONference-2016(International Conference) on Inclusive and sustainable development,Department of economics,The university of Burdwan, sponsored by UGC-DRS (Phase-II), February, 2016
- “Exploring the Nexus between Remittances, ODA, Financial Development, and Economic Growth: A Study of India”4th International Conference on Business, Management, economics, Finance and Social Sciences, Serials Publications Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, December, 2016
- “Potential of the North East India’s trade with neighboring Countries: An assessment of the opportunities and constraints” International conference on Look East Policy: Perspective from the South –East Asian Architecture, North Eastern Hill University, Meghalaya, June 2015
- “The challenge of Patriarchy in the achievement of Gender Equality in India” in the International Conference on engendering democracy in South Asia: Issues and Challenges, Sikkim University, Gangtok, India, May 2015
- “Food security and Its Impact on human development-A Study of PDS and its impact on marginalized section of North East” in International seminar on Human development and the Marginalized sections in North east India: Issues, Challenges, Way Forward, Assam University, Assam, March 2013.
- Research Methodology Course in Social Science for Ph. D. Students’ Indian Statistical Institute, Tezpur University Campus, Tezpur, during 15 – 25 January 2018.
- UGC-SAP DRS II Sponsored Research Methodology Workshop on Economic Theory, Department of Economics and Politics, Visva-Bharati University, Shantiniketan,November 8- 14, 2017.
- UGC-SAP DRSII Sponsored 7-day Research Methodology Workshop in Applied Econometrics, Department of Economics and Politics, Visva-Bharati University,Santiniketan,September17-23,2016.
- TEQIP-II sponsored Short Term Course on Quantitative Method in Social Science Research, Department of Humanities and social sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, March 20-24, 2017.
- Summer School on Research Methodology: Application of Econometrics and Statistics, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Institute of Technology Durgapur in Collaboration with The Indian Econometric Society (TIES),May23-29,2016.
- Workshop on Financial Econometrics and its Application,Gokhle Institute of Politics and Economics (GIPE), Pune in collaboration with The Indian Econometric Society (TIES),September 29-October 04,2016.
- Seven day Workshop on Advanced Research Methods and Data Analysis, Department of management studies, National Institute of Technology Durgapur, June 04-10, 2017.
- Workshop on Statistical Techniques used in Research, Department of Statistics, The university of Burdwan, February 16-19,2016.
- Workshop on Entrepreneurship and Innovation,organised by National Institute of Technology Durgapur and supported by Confederation of Indian Industry and Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India, August 09-12, 2016.
- Authors Workshop and Science Direct Training, organised by Central Library, National Institute of Technology Durgapur and Elsevier, January 17, 2017.
- Three day Workshop on Theoretical and Applied Economics and Commerce,Katwa College, West Bengal, May 20-22,2017.
- Acted as Events Coordinator, Organizing Committee for the three days Rural Entrepreneurship Fair during 31st March-2nd April, 2017 at National Institute of Technology Durgapur.
Professional Affiliations:
Member: South Asian Network for Development and Environmental Economics (SANDEE)
Professional Activities
Reviewer: Child Indicator Research (Springer); International Journal of Social Economics (Emerald)